The first project I completed for PGGM is the public site for BPF Shilders.

After its successful conclusion, I researched ways to secure a technical rework of the MijnPFZW site. This posed some challenges as our first choice, ADFS, did not support the envisioned architecture. In a session with Microsoft architects it became clear PGGM isn't the first company to try and tackle the problem of cross-domain security.

I had already created a proof of concept of our own solution and interestingly enough this was the exact solution Microsoft had come up with, except with ADFS as a security broker in stead of SharePoint. The only problem was the next version of ADFS would be made available too late to integrate into the site, so ultimately our own solution was chosen. It is now live for both PFZW and Mijn Philips Pensioenfonds, another project I completed for PGGM, and has withstood rigorous security testing by SecureLabs.

The last project being tackled is to integrate SAML2 single-sign-on through DigiD into the PFZW site, enabling PFZW to show their customers their full retirement plan including built-up retirement at other retirement insurers.

Project Details

Client: PGGM

Date: 2014 - 2016